How to Direct Child Actors: 7 Tips

As a director, you may sometimes need to cast a role for a younger child, and directing a child can be quite different than directing an experienced adult. But don’t get frustrated, get Film Jams Tips on how to work with younger actors! Film Jams […]

8 Camera Tricks to Shoot Better Video

This week Film Jams is bringing you 8 camera tricks to shoot better video. Read ahead and watch the video to find out a few simple tools and inexpensive ways to enhance your cinematography. 1. Use a Prism to Create Lens Flares or Bokeh Prisms […]

Using One-Liners to Create Classic Movie Trailer Quotes

This week on Film Jams, we’re taking a break from our focus on lighting and camera gear to look at what sells your movie: the trailer, and using classic movie trailer quotes for impactful moments. It’s a big world out there, and people need to […]

A 3-Point Lighting Kit Under $100: Cheap Video Lights

Lighting is one of the elements of filmmaking that can make or break your project. The search for inexpensive but quality equipment is something we’re always looking for here at Film Jams. Recently we came across a really impressive little light that we’ve been using […]

How to Light an Interview

Have you ever wondered how to light an interview? In this video lighting basics tutorial we take a look at how to light an interview in the studio using some different lighting scenarios. We’ll take a look at high contrast lighting as well as soft lighting […]